This man was my hero. He was always in my corner – even when I thought I stood strong on my own. He was my protector and defender. He taught me how to skate, ride a bike, throw a punch, and drive a stick shift – to name a few…
I took quite a few photos of my Dad over the years. The one below (at least in my mind) represents who he was to the rest of the world. He was a strong man. He stood tall. He was confident and incredibly skilled and respected in his trade. In the last week, several of his colleagues have commented on how bold and honest his personality and character were – “you always knew where you stood with Dave”. It’s been overwhelming to discover how wide and far his impact had reached during his career… the number of people he’s left his impression on. It is, in ways, a contrast from the Dad we knew at home, but that’s a post for another day. Today, this is the part of Dad I will remember, and the man so many will join us to celebrate tomorrow. How can we possibly say Goodbye…–Dave/service-details.php
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